Unforgettable Fishing Week on Idaho’s Clearwater River

We had an overall incredible week on Idaho’s Clearwater River. Although we were dealing with high dirty water water, we had some of our best fishing of the entire year. Mid week was unbelievable with Wednesday and Thursday both seeing two boats with close to or over 30 fish landed for the day. The fishing held out into the weekend, but we saw reduced catches due to the increased pressure on the river. When the water is high and dirty we are very limited in the areas we can fish, and when those locations fill up with boats things can get a little more difficult.

From talking with multiple people it also sounded like the South Fork of the Clearwater, and the North Fork Clearwater were both fishing very well. This is typical of the type of run that we are having. During these types of years we often see a late push of fish that come into the Orofino area around the second week of March. During the winter months the fish ladder on Lower Granite Dam is closed for maintenance and cleaning. The ladder at Lower Granite is then re opened in March and the fish that were forced to overwinter in the Lower Snake River make their final push up the Clearwater. We have even had fantastic days of fishing into April some years.

If you are looking for a steelhead trip on the Clearwater River with us I would safely say that we are looking at a few good weeks of fishing ahead of us, and depending on how river conditions look this spring, we may see some great catches a little later in the month.


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