This past week we saw some good fishing and some slower fishing, but the good news is that the Clearwater is setting up for a fantastic fall. Check our our weekly video report below.

The Northwest's Premier Outfitter offering guided fishing trips on Idaho's Clearwater and Snake Rivers, American Falls Reservoir, CJ Strike Reservoir, Salmon Falls Creek Reservoir, and the Columbia River in Washington and Oregon.
This past week we saw some good fishing and some slower fishing, but the good news is that the Clearwater is setting up for a fantastic fall. Check our our weekly video report below.
Today, October 15th 2020 was the traditional opening day of Idaho’s catch and keep season on the Clearwater River. Today is a much anticipated day and signals a changing of the season for us. From today through March our focus on the Clearwater is Steelhead! B Run Steelhead are amazing fish.
We had a fantastic day today despite some challenging conditions. Over the last week the Clearwater region has received quite a lot rain, and for the past few days the army corps has been messing with the flows out of Dworshak Reservoir. This caused some early season high water conditions and we started out our day with flows well over 10,000 Cubic Feet/ Second. This is double the flow we normally see this time of year.
Lucky for us we have been guiding on Idaho’s Clearwater for the past 13 years and we relied on that experience to come up with a winning game plan. Our key to success today was backtrolling Yakima bait Maglips. When the water is up or rising on the Clearwater our steelhead kick their migration into hyperdrive and use the higher flows to cover some river miles. This makes the slow presentation of a backtrolled plug your best bet to consistently put fish in the boat under these conditions.
The Clearwater will most likely be a backtrolling game for the next few days, but as the water comes back to normal levels the side drifting bite should be fantastic.
We have two boats operating on the Clearwater and currently we have open dates, so if your interested in some big Idaho Steelhead make sure to give our office a call and Dani will get your trip all set up.
This past week was our first full week of fishing back home on Idaho’s a Clearwater River. Although the steelhead season is still catch and release through October 15, Fall Chinook and Coho are open for retention Thursday – Sunday.
Our boats have been out daily this week and fishing has been very good for both Steelhead and Chinook. We are seeing fantastic numbers of steelhead already spread out between Lewiston and Orofino, and the morning bite has been very good for Fall Chinook on the deep salmon holes.
Catch and keep steelhead is coming fast and we are so excited to be targeting our favorite fish in our favorite places.
Idaho’s Clearwater continued to fish well this week. The cold overnight temps made things a little difficult at times as dropping water temperatures slow upstream movement and make the fish less aggressive. We were able to find fish all week by targeting likely steelhead holding water that was just out of the main current flow, often times picking fish up out of “frog water” on the very inside portion of the run. When faced with cold water conditions we prefer to fish bait. Both cured roe and shrimp were our baits of choice this week, and multiple fish were caught each day on both. One of our major keys to success during this time of year on the Clearwater is to add lots of scent to our eggs and shrimp. Some of our favorites are the anise/krill and the krill from Super Dipping Saucy, but we also use lots of mikes shrimp oil, and special mix from SmellyJelly.
Fishing will continue to be good this week, and the change in weather patters should begin to bring water temperatures back up to normal levels. As water temps rise the fishing will continue to improve. With the mild winter, and long range forecast it looks like this is one of those years that we will be fishing the Clearwater deep into March. When conditions allow we often see some fantastic steelhead fishing in March.
We still have quite a few day available and for those interested in booking a trip with us we encourage you to give our office a call, or to check out or availability by clicking the Book Online button at the top of the page, and as always if you are enjoying our content please share it to your social media accounts. Every share, like, follow, or subscribe we get goes a long ways in helping our small family business.
Thank you,
Kyle Jones
Fishing on Idaho’s Clearwater River remained good this past weekend. Water levels and river clarity continued to improve all week and by mid week the entire Clearwater was fishing. This time of year we focus most of our effort around Orofino, as there are often large numbers of fish starting to congregate near Dworshak National Fish hatchery. Most all our fish were caught side drifting egg and yarn combinations, or pegged beads.
For anglers who love to fish the South Fork of the Clearwater we heard some good reports form that area and it sounds like quite a few fish have moved into the system. Floats and jigs along with floats and beads tend to fish very well up there this time of year, also people fly fishing with indicators and egg patterns tend to do very well.
If you are interested in booking a trip with us we run power boat trips on the Clearwater from Orofino to Lewiston. We still have some openings and we are booking trips through the middle of March. Click the big green book online button or give us a call. We would love to get you out on the water with us!
The rain is here and the water is up. The past week on Idaho’s Clearwater has been a little challenging due to the amount of rain our area say this past week. With that said we were able to fish every day this week and fishing was good overall. Most of our fish were caught in the Orofino area side drifting eggs and pegged beads. With the dirty water it seems like eggs take a slight advantage over the pegged beads, but we still picked up fish using both set ups.
For this week we expect water levels to drop daily, and the fishing should be fantastic. We normally see awesome fishing after a rain event. As the water clears up and the temperature drops look for fish to get into their normal November pattern. We should start to see more fish in the deeper holes, and also look for fish to be well distributed through out the entire river.
Unlike the past few weeks side drifting bait and yarn will be our go to for the foreseeable future. This is our absolute favorite way to catch these awesome Clearwater B-Runs. Big fish on light tackle is a rush.
All our Clearwater trips are done as employees of Reel Time Fishing
Had a great day on Idaho’s Clearwater River this past Sunday. The river finally dropped into shape and we put easy limits in the boat! This great action will continue until the season closes. All Clearwater trips are done as employees of Reel Time Fishing
We had a great day in the Columbia gorge today fishing spring Chinook. We landed 4 and had a bunch of other chances. With fishing good and dam counts finally coming up it looks like we will get a good shot at fishing at home on the Clearwater in Idaho. We have openings the 24th, 25th, 25th, and 31st of May and the 1st and 3rd of June. All Clearwater dates are done as employees of Reel Time Fishing, but give our office a call at 208-669-1569 and we will get you all set up.
We continue to do well on Idaho’s Clearwater River despite the recent cold snap. Fishing has slowed down over the past week, but our boats are still out getting 5-10 a day and finding some really good fish in the process. The picture featured in this report is of a young man’s first steelhead! We will be wrapping up our Steelhead season this weekend and moving our focus to Columbia River Walleye! Give us a call at 208-669-1569 to get your trips booked.
All Clearwater River trips are done as employees of Reel Time Fishing.
We had another good day fishing on Idaho’s Clearwater River today. Despite the high water and the cold temps we still found a bunch of fish to play with today. Over the past few days our go to approach has been Bobber dogging both beads and eggs. Some days they want the bead rigs and some days they want the eggs. Today it wall all beads. With the high water we have been experiencing over the last week the bobber dogging really lets us present out baits in the soft water near the bank, and keeps our gear fishing instead of being hung up all day.
We only have a couple of weeks left for chasing steelhead on Idaho’s Clearwater Rivers so if you have been thinking about a trip the time to make it happen is now. Give us a call at 208-669-1569 or 208-861-0654 and we will get your trip all set up.
For all Clearwater dates we work as employees of Reel Time Fishing.