Clearwater River Spring Chinook Report

Clearwater River Spring Chinook

Had a great day on Idaho’s Clearwater River this past Sunday. The river finally dropped into shape and we put easy limits in the boat! This great action will continue until the season closes. All Clearwater trips are done as employees of Reel Time Fishing


Columbia Gorge Spring Chinook

Drano Lake Spring Chinook

We had a great day in the Columbia gorge today fishing spring Chinook. We landed 4 and had a bunch of other chances. With fishing good and dam counts finally coming up it looks like we will get a good shot at fishing at home on the Clearwater in Idaho. We have openings the 24th, 25th, 25th, and 31st of May and the 1st and 3rd of June. All Clearwater dates are done as employees of Reel Time Fishing, but give our office a call at 208-669-1569 and we will get you all set up.

Columbia River Walleye Fishing!

The Walleye bite on the Columbia River is heating up! We had a great day today mostly jigging, but we also caught fish in worm spinners with bottom walkers. We have openings now through June for the best tasting white flesh fish that swim.

Clearwater River Steelhead Report

We continue to do well on Idaho’s Clearwater River despite the recent cold snap. Fishing has slowed down over the past week, but our boats are still out getting 5-10 a day and finding some really good fish in the process. The picture featured in this report is of a young man’s first steelhead! We will be wrapping up our Steelhead season this weekend and moving our focus to Columbia River Walleye! Give us a call at 208-669-1569 to get your trips booked.

All Clearwater River trips are done as employees of Reel Time Fishing.

Clearwater River Steelhead Fishing Report

We had another good day fishing on Idaho’s Clearwater River today. Despite the high water and the cold temps we still found a bunch of fish to play with today. Over the past few days our go to approach has been Bobber dogging both beads and eggs. Some days they want the bead rigs and some days they want the eggs. Today it wall all beads. With the high water we have been experiencing over the last week the bobber dogging really lets us present out baits in the soft water near the bank, and keeps our gear fishing instead of being hung up all day.

We only have a couple of weeks left for chasing steelhead on Idaho’s Clearwater Rivers so if you have been thinking about a trip the time to make it happen is now. Give us a call at 208-669-1569 or 208-861-0654 and we will get your trip all set up.

For all Clearwater dates we work as employees of Reel Time Fishing.

Clearwater River Steelhead Fishing Report

We had another good day today on Idaho’s Clearwater River. The water was up today and we had to grind it out but we still went 6-10 and got into some great fish. It’s looking like it will be a great February. This water should calm down by mid week and fishing will be on fire. We still have openings so get in touch with us to book your trips. We work as employees of Reel Time Fishing for all Clearwater trips. For more information on our Clearwater River Steelhead Trips click Here. 

Clearwater River Steelhead Fishing Report

We had another great day on Idaho’s Clearwater River. Today was a little slower but the 2 guys I had still managed to land 4 Steelhead and hook a few others. We had some difficult conditions to fish today with rising water, but still had a great day. We have plenty of openings for February and after this water calms down a bit fishing will again be fantastic. All our Clearwater trips are done as employees of Reel Time Fishing.

Clearwater River Steelhead!

Check out this awesome fish from our day today on Idaho’s Clearwater River!  It’s great to see some fish looking like this late in the season. Overall our day was a little slower today, but we found a few of these beauties to play with. All our Clearwater trips are done as employees of Reel Time Fishing. We have plenty of open dates over the next few weeks and it’s looking to be a great February!  Click here for more Clearwater Fishing Information!

If you don’t have a chance to Steelhead fish with us make sure to catch up with us for a Walleye or Spring ChinookTrip!  It’s looking like a good year for both and we will be there to help get you on fish.  83991CC1-6E51-4053-8381-5B1028317A06

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Idaho’s Clearwater is Fishing Great!

This past week has been nothing short of fantastic on Idaho’s Clearwater River.  We had a great week of fishing and my boat landed 19 Steelhead on Thursday alone. All our fish are coming sidedrifting eggs and beads. It is shaping up to be a great February. We have lots of openings over the next few weeks. Get in touch with us to get your Clearwater Steelhead Trips Booked!  For all Clearwater dates we fish as employees of Reel Time Fishing.  For more info on our Clearwater River Steelhead click here

We will be fishing the Clearwater through February before we head East in search of Walleye on the Columbia River. Click Here  for more information


Idaho’s Clearwater River is Fishing great!

Yesterday the Snake, today the Clearwater, with the same awesome results! Fishing today on Idaho’s Clearwater River was fantastic!  The Clearwater had been “out” the past two days due to high water caused by heavy rain on low lying snow earlier in the week, but today the river was just dropping into the prime Steelhead green conditions. As you can see by the pictures we had an awesome day. We work for Reel Time Fishing for all Clearwater dates and between us and the other Reel Time Boat there were 25 Steelhead that hit the net. It’s shaping up to be a great spring of Steelhead fishing. Get in touch with us to get either your Clearwater Steelhead or Snake River Steelhead Trips Booked.