Without a doubt the number one question we get in our office is “when is the best time to fish for sturgeon?” While the question seems simple our answer isn’t always as cut and dry. Through our conversations with customers we try and get an idea of what kind of trip they are looking for and what time of year might be the best to recommend, this isn’t always easy to do, as Idaho sturgeon fishing is good year round. Seasonal movements for spawning, and feeding often determine what areas we fish, and our guides are tuned into these cues and will put you on the best areas possible.
With all that said if folks are simply looking to catch a pile of sturgeon and have a great day out of the house the winter and early spring months of December-March are consistently some of our best for catching numbers of fish. The winter might not be the favorite time for getting in the water and swimming with your catch, but the fish are in predictable patterns and our guides consistently get on good numbers of fish. Fishing has been fantastic the last few weeks, so if looking for a winter adventure and fishing is more your thing don’t hesitate to give us a call or check out our online calendar under the book online tab.