We had a fantastic day in the sun today on the lower end of Hell’s Canyon fishing out of Heller Bar. We ended up putting 8 fish In the net for our two anglers today. The Snake River currently has quite a few fish in it and the fishing is good. We did very well today side drifting eggs and yarn and egg combinations. The water was low today so we fished very light lead and really pounded the slow pocket water near the bank. The water temperature was around 37 which puts these fish in the slower water near the bank. We have open boats next week and will be fishing the Snake through the 15th of February so if you are interested in booking a day get in touch with us.
Hell’s Canyon Steelhead Fishing!
We are continuing to see great fishing in the lower end of Hell’s Canyon on the Snake River near Heller Bar. It’s been great to see all the keepers around too. Yesterday was awesome, nice Steelhead, no crowds, and 58 degrees in January! We have a few openings over the next few weeks if you want to get out! Click Here for more information on our Snake River Steelhead adventures.
Snake River Keeps Kicking out Steelhead
We had another great day fishing the Snake River out of Heller Bar. We ended our day 9-11 and kept 5 nice fish. Fishing the Snake for Steelhead continues to be a great option and we really think it’s going to fish great well into February! Again today our key was fishing coon shrimp in our concoction. This mix just keeps on kicking out fish! We have openings over the next few weeks so get in on this while the getting is good! Ohh and did I mention that we had the river all to ourselves?!
Snake River Steelhead Fishing Report
We had another fantastic day at the entrance to Hells Canyon out of Heller Bar. We continue to do very well on Steelhead and we have been finding lots of keepers. Success came today drifting shrimp put up in our little mix. This has been a great little trick for us. Stay tuned as we continue to develop a specific snake river recipe! We might even share it with our readers.
We have openings next week so get in touch with Dani in our Office at 208-669-1569 or click Here to book online.
Snake River Steelhead Report
We had a fantastic day today on the Snake River at the entrance to Hell’s Canyon for hard fighting Steelhead. Nothing quite like fishing for Steelhead in January with the temperature at close to 50 degrees! We landed a bunch of fish today and lost even more. We did very well side drifting both beads and shrimp. By the great number of fish around the Heller Bar area we expect the fishing to be good well into February. We have openings the next few weeks, so give Dani in our office a call at 208-669-1569 and let’s get your trip booked.
Snake River Steelhead Report
Over the weekend we spent some time fishing in the Heller Bar area of the Snake River, and despite the low return numbers and the negative Steelhead press we did very well. On Saturday I had two customers hook over 12 Steelhead and land 6. Numbers like that are great when we are talking Steelhead fishing. These are great fish that fight hard and have great meat quality. We have lots of open dates for the rest of November so if you are interested get in touch with us and we can get you set up on a great day of Steelhead fishing!
How to Cure Coon Shrimp for Steelhead and Salmon Fishing
Coon shrimp and specifically cured and dyed coon shrimp are a staple in our bait cooler. They are our bait of choice for both Sockeye Salmon and Summer Steelhead, and we often use them for Spring, and Summer Chinook. Many anglers are confused at how to go about processing their own coon shrimp, but luckily we have many over the counter ready to mix cures and brine’s that help make curing coon shrimp a consistent and easy process. This is a very simple process, and if you have ever cured your own salmon roe you can cure coon shrimp. Most of the available commercial egg cures will also do a fantastic job of curing coon shrimp.
Pro-Cure Egg Cure (original double red hot stuff) Buy Here
Frozen Coon Shrimp ( make sure you buy good quality Shrimp)
Rock Salt
Freezer bag
Pro-Cure Slam-ola powder Buy Here
Scents ( the sky is the limit here but my favorite are the line of Super Dipping Sauce.) Buy Here

Step 1:
Fill your freezer bag with approximately 3 inches of Coon Shrimp
Step 2:
Add enough cure to get a good covering of the Coon Shrimp ( 1/2 cup of cure is a good starting point)
Step 3:
Add 1 tea spoon of Slam-ola Powder
Step 4:
Refrigerate at a minimum overnight. Your Shrimp can be fished as early as the next day, but you will get a better result by letting them cure for 3 days.
Step 5:
Add 1 cup rock salt. I do this after 3 days of curing. Adding the Rock Salt is optional, but it will toughen up you shrimp very well. We often use Coon Shrimp for side drifting Steelhead in Hell’s Canyon and this step gives us a very durable bait.

For a chance to win a free fishing trip with us click HERE. We select a random person from our newsletter list each and every month to win a free fishing trip with us!