Idaho’s Clearwater is fishing great!

Clearwater Steelhead

After the recent rains the Clearwater is back in shape and the fish are snappy! We had some great fishing the last two days, and lots of open dates now through the 10th of March. February is one of our favorite months and it’s great to be out on the river as the days are beginning to last a little longer, and the sun finally has a little warmth to it. Idaho’s Clearwater is know for big fish and we have been seeing lots of 15 pound plus fish this season. Now is the time to book if you are looking to get that late winter steelhead trip in on the Clearwater!

Hanford Reach Fall Chinook Report

Hanford Reach Fall Chinook

It’s been a full week straight of fishing for us on our 2019 Hanford Reach Fall Chinook season. This week has seen its ups and downs, but we are definitely on fish and we have had the opportunity to limit each of the past 4 days, some days we have pulled it off and other days we came in a fish or two short.

This is one of our absolute favorite fisheries of the year, and there is nothing quite like spending an early fall day on the Hanford Reach. The weather this time of year makes for some amazing days spent on the water.

All our fish have been coming on the downstream troll. We have been doing equally well on both superbaits and spinners pulled behind pro troll flasher.

Our program goes roughly as follows, remember there are a lot of times we may fish deeper or shallower depending on the situation. Bow rods with 12oz at 30′ (these often start much shallower, but when water depth allows we run these suspended all day) middle rods 12oz at the same depth as the bottom (if it’s 35 feet deep these rods are run at 35 and so on) back rods 10oz at 10 feet deeper than the bottom depth ( if in 35 Feet the line counter is at 45 and so on).

We also still have some openings for this year. Our open dates for Kyle’s Boat are as follows.


29,30 3 open seats.


1, 4 open boat

5th 3 seats

7th 4 seats

8th 5 seats

9th open boat

10th 2 seats

15th open boat

Columbia River Walleye Fishing

We have been fishing hard over the past week and getting into plenty of action on the Columbia River for delicious Walleye! This year we are not catching the numbers of fish we have the past few years, but the overall size and quality of the fish this year is amazing, and we are putting plenty in the boat for guys to take home.

We are finding most of our fish in 20-25 feet of water. Our most successful presentation has been trolling crankbaits. For some reason the action of the cranks are just driving them crazy. We have been running a wide selection of colors, and have really just been playing with things as the day goes on to find the right combination.

Despite the changing conditions this year, I think this has been the most fun I have ever had Walleye fishing as it’s really making us think and execute to constantly put fish in the boat. The months of April and May have for the past few years been our absolute best time frame, so hopefully our good fortune continues over the next several weeks and we get to experience more of this great fishing.

If you are interested in fishing with us we still have plenty of open dates, and we would love the opportunity to earn your business.

Snake River Steelhead

We had a fantastic day in the sun today on the lower end of Hell’s Canyon fishing out of Heller Bar. We ended up putting 8 fish In the net for our two anglers today. The Snake River currently has quite a few fish in it and the fishing is good. We did very well today side drifting eggs and yarn and egg combinations. The water was low today so we fished very light lead and really pounded the slow pocket water near the bank. The water temperature was around 37 which puts these fish in the slower water near the bank. We have open boats next week and will be fishing the Snake through the 15th of February so if you are interested in booking a day get in touch with us.

Clearwater River Fishing Report

The rain is here and the water is up. The past week on Idaho’s Clearwater has been a little challenging due to the amount of rain our area say this past week. With that said we were able to fish every day this week and fishing was good overall. Most of our fish were caught in the Orofino area side drifting eggs and pegged beads. With the dirty water it seems like eggs take a slight advantage over the pegged beads, but we still picked up fish using both set ups.

For this week we expect water levels to drop daily, and the fishing should be fantastic. We normally see awesome fishing after a rain event. As the water clears up and the temperature drops look for fish to get into their normal November pattern. We should start to see more fish in the deeper holes, and also look for fish to be well distributed through out the entire river.

Unlike the past few weeks side drifting bait and yarn will be our go to for the foreseeable future. This is our absolute favorite way to catch these awesome Clearwater B-Runs. Big fish on light tackle is a rush.

All our Clearwater trips are done as employees of Reel Time Fishing

Hanford Reach Continues to fish Great!

Hanford Reach Fall Chinook

We have had an absolutely fantastic week on the Hanford Reach of the Columbia River, near tri cities, WA. We continue to catch all of our fish downstream trolling, with both Brads Superbaits and VIP Spinners. Trolling has enabled us to cover a ton of water and locate the fish willing to bite.

If you are looking to get out on the water with us we have just a few days left open. Sunday the 7th, Monday the 8th, and Tuesday the 9th open. Book online on this website or give our office a call at 208-669-1569 and let’s fill these last few dates, before we head home and target steelhead on Idaho’s Clearwater River.

Hot Fishing on the Hanford Reach

Hanford Reach Fall Chinook

We continue to do very well on the Hanford Reach near the Tri Cities, Washington fishing for Fall Chinook Salmon. Our hot ticket has been downstream trolling both Brads Super baits, and VIP Spinners. By covering lots of water we are able to put our gear in front of the maximum numbers of fish. The fishing here will remain very good well into October. We have 2 seats open the 3rd of October and open boats the 7th-15th of October. Give our office a call at 208-669-1569 or Book Online by clicking on the link at the top of the page.

Hanford Reach Salmon fishing remains good

We continue to do well on the Hanford Reach near the tri cites. Most of our effort continues to be spent down stream trolling both brads superbaits and spinners. Our favorite blades have been the VIP Bronco and Chartreuse Green Dot in the 3.5 sizes.

The Reach can be one of the most fickle and frustrating fisheries around, but when a good plan comes together it makes it worth the effort.

We still have some open dates before we switch over to steelhead at home on the Clearwater. October 3rd has 2 seats open, and we have open boats the 7th-15th of October. Give our office a call at 208-669-1569 to book or book online through our website.

Hanford Reach Fall Chinook Report

We had a fantastic day today on the Hanford Reach near the Tri cites, WA. We did well downstream trolling both superbaits and Spinners. I really think the key to success this year is covering a bunch of water looking for aggressive fish.

The basic premise behind our downstream trolling game is to fish our gear in the bottom 5 feet of the water column. The setup that works well for us is to run lead dropper rigs instead of downriggers, we like 12 ounces all the way around the boat, and we typically run our gear with the depth reading and our line counters being the same, or +5. So, if we are fishing 40 feet of water we would run our depth using our line counter reels at 40 or 45 feet.

Hopefully this gives a little bit of help to someone just starting out fishing this way, and if you would like to spend a day on our boats getting some on the water training Kyle has an open boat the 3rd of October and open boats the 7th-15th of October. Give our office a call at 208-669-1569 to book your adventure.