Snake River Spring Chinook Report for 5/23/16

Snake River Spring Chinook

The Snake River in the Clarkston area continued to fish well for us this past Sunday/ Monday opening.  On Monday we had a group of four customers and had a great day catching Snake River Spring Chinook.  We hooked a total of 7 fish and landed 4 of them, and when the tally came in at the end of the day we had close to 10-11 bites.  This has been a great fishery this year and with the addition of a 2 fish limit the last two weeks we have been very happy.

Our success came while anchor fishing bait wrapped plugs such as the T-50 Flat Fish from Yakima Bait Company.  I prefer this style of plug when I am fishing on anchor in places that require lead or divers to fish the bottom.  My plug fishing set up this week consisted of a 6 foot 50# mono leader and a 4 foot dropper.  All this is attached to 50# high visibility braided line such as Power Pro or TUFF Line.  Our lead weights of choice were 4 oz cannon ball type sinkers.  We have been having the most success wrapping our plugs with our own tuna concoctions, and the recipe for our success can be found in a previous blog.

In addition to catching fish on plugs, we also had some good action fishing herring and a flasher on anchor.  Our method for this is similar to the way we fish plugs, but with a few minor changes.  Our most successful system was the same mainline and dropper length for our plug set up, but we add a 24 inch bumper between our mainline and flasher.  Our most successful flasher was a Green and Chrome Leo flasher.  I think this flasher was a major reason for our success as the flows this week were almost too slow to spin a herring, but with the slow roll of the Leo flasher we were able to impart that great herring action on our baits.  To get your own supply of Leo Flashers make sure you head over to and check out their supply!

Hopefully we get one more Snake River opening, as I think the fishing will be similar to this past week.  We should know for sure if we are going to be able to fish by the end of the day Thursday.  I do have openings this weekend for both Snake River Spring Chinook ( if we get to fish) and Snake River Sturgeon / Bass Fishing.  This time of year yields the best sturgeon fishing of the year and is a great way to spend a day at the entrance to Hell’s Canyon.  Also if anyone is interested in keeper sturgeon fishing we offer trips on the Hanford Reach section of the Columbia River.  Catch rates here are high and we often land 10-20 fish per day and average about a keeper per boat.


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Snake River Spring Chinook!

This report is for both Sunday the 15th and Monday the 16th of May. We fished out of Clarkston for both days of the Snake River Spring Chinook opener in this area and fishing was absolutely fantastic!

Sunday morning we started off trolling herring and Brad’s Super Baits behind Short Bus and Fish Flash type flashers. We had a fantastic morning bite and had 3 keepers in the boat by 7am. After the initial morning bite things kind of slowed down for us and we hooked and lost a few other fish. All our bites while trolling came very near the bottom with heavy lead ( 10-12 0z.). Our best producer was the Seahawk brads cut plug, but cut plug herring dyed blue and chartreuse was a close second.

Around noon we decided to change things up and join the hog line above us. This was the best decision I made all day! In just a few hours we had 15 or so bites and landed 2 more nice keeper Chinook. We ended our full day trip around 3pm and dropped my first set of customers off. I had two guys jump in with me for the evening and we returned to our anchor spot. In 3 hours we had another 12-15 bites and landed 5 Chinook with 3 of them being keepers.

Monday morning I started with the same program from the night before. We anchored up in the Hog line and started hooking fish almost immediately. Again we had 12-15 bites hooked 9 of them, lost 3 at the boat, landed 3 of which 2 were keepers. I only had one customer with me yesterday so we were done and limited by 10am with a great day of action.

While on anchor I had the most success fishing tuna wrapped Kwickfish and Brads Killerfish in the 15 size. I added Garlic Super Dipping Sauce, and Anis/Krill Super Dipping sauce to two separate batches of tuna, and we had great success with both concoctions. I change my bait wraps every 15 mins, and feel that this is a major factor in my success.

I have some openings this upcoming weekend if we get another opener for the Snake. Friday/Saturday is open at Ice Harbor, and Sunday/Monday is open at Clarkston. The Snake currently has a two fish limit so this is a great opportunity that we don’t often see. Give me a call at 208-861-0654 and lets get your trip set up.

Don’t forget to enter to win a free fishing trip with us!




Columbia River Spring Chinook Report

As we enter the last streach of our Lower Columbia Columbia Spring Chinook season I wanted to give a quick update on our season.

Fishing overall has been good. We have had a few days in which we have had to work hard for bites, but overall the action has been more than satisfying.  We have focused our efforts in the Portland area near the the I5 bridge. Downstream trolling herring has been our go to technique and our best bite has been during the first few hours of daylight.

We look for the the next four days to be some of the best of the year as everyday there are more and more tasty Spring Chinook in the system. The Columbia is set to close the 9th of April. After the Columbia closes I will switch gears and spend a few weeks targeting the Willamette, before moving up to the John Day Dam area the last week of April to target the migration up the Columbia system.

I still have plenty of openings for both the Willamette River and the John Day Dam fisheries. On the Willamette we have a 2 chinook limit, and up at John Day I offer salmon and Sturgeon combination trips. As always full boat and single anglers are encouraged to give us a call and book dates.

Columbia River Spring Chinook Fishing Report

Fishing is really starting to pick up down here in the Portland area for Spring Chinook. A fellow guide buddy and I snuck out for a little fun fishing this morning and we’re handsomely rewarded with a quick limit of Columbia River Spring Chinook.  We picked both these fish up trolling flashers and herring downstream. Our favorite flashers have been the new Leo Flashers by Money Maker Fishing.

Now is the time to get down here and get in on this action. I have full day openings this week and 4 hour evening trip openings the 2nd – 9th of April. Also have openings for the Willamette River after the 10th of April. Also for people willing to wait until the end of April and into early May we still have some open dates for our John Day Dam Spring Chinook and Keeper Sturgeon combo trips. Give me a call at 208-861-0654 to book your dates.

Hells Canyon Sturgeon Fishing

We snuck out yesterday for an early Sturgeon fishing trip on the Snake River out of Heller Bar. With our steelhead season behind us we have been switched over to targeting catch and release sturgeon. The weather was a little unsettled, but the fish were cooperative. We landed a small 3 foot fish and one monster 8 footer.  We also had a few other bites, but considering we only fished for a few hours I think we did fantastic.

Our bait of choice is salmon bellies and scraps from salmon season.  We find this to be the most consistent bait, but we often fish other baits such as squid, roll mop herring, worms, or any fresh cut bait we can get our hands on.

Catch and release sturgeon fishing will be great from now through the end of June.  On our sturgeon trips we average multiple fish landed per day with the fish ranging from 3-11 feet in length.  We also offer sturgeon trips with the possiblity of keepers on the Hanford reach during this same time frame. These trips are a great experience that all should see. The power of these large sturgeon is amazing. FB_IMG_1457844190662

Hell’s Canyon Steelhead Fishing

Here is a video shot earlier this month fishing the Snake River out of Heller Bar! We had a fantastic time chasing fish in the canyon all by our selves. We fish steelhead in this area starting the 10th of October – the end of February. We fill our fall season very quickly so if anyone is interested in fishing with us please book your trips early to ensure you get the best seats available.

A big thank you to the guys at for filming and editing the video.  If you are looking for current fishing reports for almost any area in the northwest you can most likely find them here.

2/15/16 Snake River Steelhead Report

Snake River Steelhead

The Snake River out of Heller Bar continues to fish well. Yesterday we had a great day on the river with only 2 customers going 6-10 on Steelhead and also landing a 3 foot sturgeon on steelhead gear.

We found most of our fish just upstream from Heller Bar as the Grand Ronde is flowing very high and muddy, and has made the Snake River downstream from the Grand Ronde muddy and not fishable.

We had almost all our bites drifting my Jones Sport Fishing shrimp cure in the bright red color in combination with a chartreuse cheater or corkie.

I am not really sure how much longer we can expect good fishing in this area, but I’m expecting it to fish well through at least this next weekend, we might se good fishing later on, but water conditions will dictate that. After that we often have great success switching over to catch and release trophy sturgeon fishing.

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Heller Bar Report for November 8th

Snake River Steelhead

Heller bar on the Snake River in Washington continues to fish absolutely fantastic for steelhead. Today we had two boats out, a total of 6 anglers, and we boated 23 great fighting steelhead. The water is in perfect shape and the recent cool day and night temperatures have really helped out the fishing!  We will continue to see great fishing in this area all the way through February.

Our main technique used in this area is side drifting from our jet sleds. We have been having most of our success fishing small yarn balls in pink and orange. Also we have been tipping these yarn balls with some cured coon shrimp died pink.

We have plenty of openings after the 8th of November and with multiple boats we can get you out on the water most days.   This is a very exciting fishery that should not be missed out on. If interested I’m fishing with us please give us a call at 208-861-0654 or shoot us an email at [email protected].




Hanford Reach Wrap up

Hanford Reach Fall Chinook

We just finished another great season on the Hanford Reach of the Columbia River.  This is the last free flowing section of the Columbia River and is located between the Tri-Cities, WA and Priest Rapids Dam.  This section is the salmon factory of the Columbia and is the spawning habitat for the Columbia River’s Most prized fall Chinook.  We mostly fish out of the Vernita Bridge access area and our main technique is back trolling divers and cured eggs or bait wrapped plugs such as the Yakima Bait Maglip and the T-55 and T-60 Flat Fish.  We fish this section of river from the 15th of September through the 15th of October.  This is a great consistent fishery that should be enjoyed by all.  Check out a few of our pictures below and see just how we did.






Astoria/ Buoy 10 fishing is on fire

Astoria Oregon chinook samon

The Astoria/Buoy 10 fishery has continued to fish amazing. Yesterday I ended up with just one customer in my boat due to some unforseen issues with his group, but we put a whack on the fish. We landed a total of 11 Chinook and 3 Coho.  It was a fabulous day especially considering we were only fishing 2 rods.

We had most of our success fishing fresh cut plug herring and whole anchovies trolled behind a red and chartreuse fish flash flasher with lead near the bottom. We started our morning above the bridge on the Washington side at around 6am. We immediately found ourselves in the middle of a wide open king bite that lasted about an hour. We then followed the fish down through the church hole and picked up a few more out toward Chinook. We fished the incoming tide starting way down at the bottom of the sands almost directly out from the entrance to Baker Bay. This is where we found our Coho. As the tide really started to flood in we found ourselves in another wide open king bite. We fished our way back up to the bridge and called it a day at around 2:30 pm.

If you have ever wanted to come down and this amazing fishery now is the time I have the following dates open: 8/23, 8/24,  2 seats on 8/25, 8/26, three seats on 8/28, 8/30, 8/31.

The fishing should be nothing short of fantastic the next two weeks.