Quick Details
American Falls in Idaho offers a great place for family fishing adventures, and we have multiple price options to suit any type of group!
American Falls Reservoir has long been known as a Trophy Trout destination fishery. The world record Rainbow/Cutthroat hybrid was caught here in 2011 and it weighed in at a whopping 34lbs and 11 ounces. Although fish of that size are rare, it’s not uncommon to catch Rainbows, Browns, and Cutthroat/Rainbow hybrids in excess of 10lbs. Along with amazing Trout fishing, American Falls Reservoir also has a fantastic perch fishery. Its not uncommon to put 50 or more perch in the boat in a day’s fishing.
Although there are many ways to fish the reservoir and many anglers take advantage of some great bank access, we prefer to cover vast amounts of water trolling. We troll minnow type baits, as well as spoons, and worm spinners. Often times we utilize planer boards and downriggers to cover every inch of the water column. From ice off in early March and continuing throughout the spring, fishing can be fantastic. Come early summer, Trout fishing tends to slow down a little but the perch fishing is just starting to peak!